Grades 1st through 6th
Teaching Religious Education is truly the work of many. Our Religious Education classes are taught by volunteer Catechists. Specific, age-appropriate curricula are taught at each grade-level. Catechists are trained and supported throughout the year.
We recognize the National Catechetical Directory and its guidelines for Religious Education. It states that parents are the first and foremost educators of their child’s faith. We, as a church, strive to support and supplement the endeavors of parents in this effort.
Enrollment registration:
- FOR NEW STUDENT ENROLLMENT, Please complete a REGISTRATION FORM and return to the Religious Education Department. Contact, Debbie Lysik, Director of Religious Ed. with any questions, 508-435-3313 x208.
- FOR RETURNING STUDENTS: Each year in September students must sign up for a class day & time. Information on sign ups will be sent out to all registered families at the end of August.
Class schedule: Sunday through Wednesday at various times.
Mary Pawela, 508-435-3313 Ext. 209; mpawelastjn@gmail.com
Debbie Lysik, 508-435-3313, Ext. 208; dlysikstjn@verizon.net