Fellowship and Formation at St. John’s

Check out our library for a large assortment of books on the faith: lives of the saints, faith and morals, children’s books, etc…

Fr. Cannon often holds Catechism classes in the church library for adults entering the Church. Check the bulletin for the next sessions.

Parish Hall and Classrooms:

Religious Education takes place in the parish hall and classrooms. See the Religious Education tab for more details.
Our very popular Summer Bible Adventure transforms these spaces.

We enjoy a coffee hour after most 10am Sunday Masses.
We watch movies during Family Nights.

The annual rummage sale fills the hall and classrooms with second hand treasures.

St. John’s women’s group meets every first and third Wednesdays of the month outside the lower chapel near the parish offices. All women are welcome to drop in. We enjoy each other’s fellowship as we study our faith, share our journeys, and pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet in the chapel. For more information, email Mary Kniaz at maryskniaz@gmail.com.

-The Knights of Columbus do so much for our parish. Check out their website to see what they’re planning next. https://bishopricekoc.org/home