Grades 7th & 8th

This is a time for the students to own their religion and make connections between their faith beliefs and the world beyond the walls of the physical church. The curriculum for grades 7 and 8 is a bridge between the basic tenets of faith taught in the elementary grades and the beginning of their journey through the preparation for receiving Confirmation, the final sacrament of initiation, in the high school program.

The curriculum, “We Live Our Faith”, invites students to think about their own relationship with God and how they can share their faith with others. One Catechist works with approximately 12 students twice a month from October through April. The teachers use a text that allows for focused instruction within the classroom. All students have books.

Grade 7: Meets twice a month on Tuesday evening, 6:30-7:30pm, October through April.

Grade 8: Meets twice a month on Tuesday evening, 6:30-7:30pm, October through April.

NEW STUDENTS: Please complete a REGISTRATION FORM and return to the Religious Ed. Department. Contact Debbie Lysik, Religious Education Director with any questions.

Contact: Debbie Lysik 508-435-3313 x208