Eucharistic Adoration:
Tuesday, 9:30AM to 11:15AM, lower chapel
Friday, 9:30AM to 12:00PM, lower chapel

Monday-Friday, 8:15AM, lower chapel
Saturday, 7:15AM, lower chapel

Rosary at St. John’s Cemetery:
Every Sunday at 3pm
(Mount Auburn St.) 

Divine Mercy Prayer Group:
Monday, 6:30 to 7:30PM, lower chapel
Chaplet of Divine Mercy and prayers for the family and country.

Holy Hour for the Conversion of Sinners: 
Thursday, 6:30 to 7:30PM, lower chapel 
Rosary, Chaplet of Divine Mercy, and prayers for conversion and for the dying.

Third Thursday Holy Hour for Priests — officiated by Fr. Cannon:
Third Thursday, 7 PM, lower chapel
For many, holy priests, and in reparation for the sins of the clergy. Exposition, Rosary, short meditation, silent prayer, petitions, chaplet for priests, and Benediction.

First Friday Reparation Mass
in Honor of the Sacred Heart: 
First Friday, 7 PM, lower chapel
In reparation for the sins of the clergy, our own sins, and the sins of the world.

Holy Hour for Life — officiated by Fr. Cannon: 
The date of the next Holy Hour for life, and for healing and reparation from abortion, will be posted in the bulletin and website. Exposition, Rosary with petitions, short meditation, silent prayer, Chaplet of Divine Mercy, and Benediction.

Monday Night Rosary on Zoom with Deacon Guy
Deacon Guy offers the Rosary each Monday night via Zoom at 7:00pm. People (approx 30) attend from many different parishes and towns. Each week we pray a different Mystery of the Rosary. Volunteers lead each Mystery. Normally it takes about 30 minutes. All are welcome to attend!

To Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 916 8237 1226.  Passcode: 326886

To connect via Phone
+1 646 931 3860,,91682371226#,,,,*326886#
+1 929 205 6099,,91682371226#,,,,*326886#

For questions, please email Deacon Guy at (