Unite your prayers with the thousands heading to Washington D.C. this Friday, January 24th, for the 52nd March for Life.

Come to St. John’s Holy Hour for Life on Friday, January 31, at 7PM in the lower chapel. Fr. Cannon presiding.

Join the St John’s High School Youth Group for a movie night on Friday, January 24th at 7pm in the parish hall. 

All high school students are welcome. We will be hanging out, enjoying refreshments, and watching The Blind Side on the new AV system in the parish hall. 

Come, and bring a friend! Click here so we can get a general count for food and drinks.  Any questions, feel free to contact George Gaughan at (617) 593-6588 or stjohnshopkintonyouthministry@admin35xva

Religious Ed Reminders:

2025 Jubilee Year:
Pilgrims of Hope

Every 25 years, the Holy Church celebrates a Jubilee Year,
a special year of grace and reconciliation, for the spiritual welfare of the faithful.

The tradition is chiefly connected with pilgrimage.
Here are three local pilgrimage sites:

Cathedral of the Holy Cross (Boston)
Fatima Shrine (Holliston)
Immaculate Conception Church (Marlboro)

Read Fr. Cannon’s post in the bulletin to learn more.