Mass in Honor of the Sacred Heart and Spiritual Reparation: February 7 at 7pm in the lower chapel

We will a have first Friday evening Mass in honor of our Lord’s Most Sacred Heart, especially for the reparation of sins and sacrileges that so offend our heavenly Father: for our sins; the sins of those in the Church; and the sins of the world. Following the Mass, we will pray the litany to Our Lord’s Most Sacred Heart.

“Do not let the past disturb you, just leave everything in the Sacred Heart and begin again with joy.”—St. Mother Teresa

Religious Ed Reminders:
Grades 1-6 classes resume week of February 2, 2025
Grade 2 parent meeting 8:45AM Sunday, February 2
Grade 10 Sunday, February 2, 5:15PM
Grade 9 Monday, February 3, 7-8PM
Grades 7 & 8 Tuesday, February 4, 6:30-7:30PM

2025 Jubilee Year: Pilgrims of Hope

Every 25 years, the Holy Church celebrates a Jubilee Year,
a special year of grace and reconciliation, for the spiritual welfare of the faithful.

The tradition is chiefly connected with pilgrimage.
Here are three local pilgrimage sites:

Cathedral of the Holy Cross (Boston)
Fatima Shrine (Holliston)
Immaculate Conception Church (Marlboro)