The Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, January 12th

NOTE: the “Online Giving” link is currently only for confirmation students. The general link will be up by Tuesday.

The website is currently beautifying itself. It will be back in full form very shortly, but the essentials are all here. Thanks for your patience.

2025 – Jubilee Year of Hope:
Pilgrims of Hope

Every 25 years, the Holy Church celebrates a Jubilee Year, a special year of grace and reconciliation, for the spiritual welfare of the faithful.

The tradition is chiefly connected with pilgrimage, and these local churches/shrines have been designated as pilgrimage sites:

Cathedral of the Holy Cross (Boston)
Fatima Shrine (Holliston)
Immaculate Conception Church (Marlboro)

Read Fr. Cannon’s post in the bulletin to learn how to take advantage of these special graces and to win indulgences.

Third Thursday Holy Hour for Priests

Thursday, January 16, 7PM, lower chapel
For many holy priests, and in reparation for the sins of the clergy.
Exposition, Rosary, short meditation, silent prayer, petitions, chaplet for priests, Benediction

High School Youth Group Movie Night
Friday, January 24, at 7PM in the parish hall. Movie TBD.

Holy Hour for Life Novena: January 16-24
Click HERE
Sign up to join Catholics across the country in praying for the end to all abortion during the 9 Days for Life novena.

Religious Education Classes

Grades 1-6 week of January 12, 2025
Grade 9 Monday, January 13, 7-8PM
Grades 7 & 8 Tuesday, January 14, 6:30-7:30PM
Grade 2 First Penance: Tuesday January 14, 4:30-5:30PM
or 6-7PM (depending on time signed up for).