Wednesday, April 2nd, at 7pm in the lower chapel:
Fr. Lacombe to give a reflection entitled:
We are Pilgrims of Hope: Lenten Reflections for the Jubilee Year
Exposition and Benediction. Confessions available afterwards.

Thursday, April 3rd, at 7pm in the parish center:
Presentation of the Turin Crucifix:
The most accurate crucifix based on Relics of the Passion
Religious Ed Reminders:
SUNDAY, MARCH 23: 11:00 AM Grade 2 mini retreat
Sunday, March 30: Grade 2 Mini Retreat at 11AM
(for those that signed up for this day)
Tuesday, April 1: Grades 7 & 8, 6:30-7:30PM
Sunday, April 6: Grade 10, 5:15PM
Monday, April 7: Grade 9, 7-8PM
Tuesday, April 8: Grade 7 & 8, 6:30-7:30PM
Confirmation rehearsal………………Tuesday, April 29, 7PM
Confirmation………………….……..….…Friday, May 2, 6PM
First Communion rehearsal….Wednesday, April 30, 4:30PM
First Communion……………………..Saturday, May 3, 11AM
Jubilee Mass & Adoration at the Fatima Shrine in Holliston
Bishop Robert P. Reed will offer the opening Jubilee Mass at 7PM, Friday March 28.
A 24-hour period of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will follow,
concluding with Mass at 7PM on Saturday, March 29.
Sign up for Adoration HERE.
2025 Jubilee Year: Pilgrims of Hope
Every 25 years, the Holy Church celebrates a Jubilee Year, a year of grace and reconciliation.
During this Holy Year, we may obtain indulgences if we:
visit a pilgrimage site; go to confession within 20 days, before or after the visit;
receive Holy Communion on that day; are free from the attachment of sin;
and pray for the intentions of the Holy Father (an Our Father, Hail Mary & Glory Be).
Here are local pilgrimage sites:
Cathedral of the Holy Cross (Boston)
Fatima Shrine (Holliston)
Sacred Heart of Jesus Church (Milford)
Immaculate Conception Church (Marlboro)
An indulgence is “the remission in the sight of God of the temporal punishment
due to sins, the guilt of which has already been forgiven” (Canon 922).
Indulgences may be applied to:
one’s own soul; all holy souls in purgatory, or a specific soul in purgatory.