Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a sacramental formation process whereby one becomes a member of the Catholic Church. People wishing to become Catholic through this process are generally those who:

  • have not been baptized
  • although baptized, have had little or no affiliation with, or formation in, the Catholic faith
  • are baptized, formed and participating in another Christian denomination but who wish to convert to Catholicism.

RCIA is actually a restoration of the ancient practice and rite of initiation from the early Church; a direct result of the work of the Second Vatican Council. The process of initiation today is characterized by an extended period of formation for the candidates, usually lasting a year or more. The rite is ritually and publicly celebrated within the faith community. And, as in ancient times, its primary goal is conversion. The process culminates in the celebration of the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist, usually at the Easter Vigil.

Contact: Rev. Richard Cannon (508) 435-3313 Ext. 206